Attracting visitors to your site should be a key goal in your online marketing strategy. Your website is your opportunity to give the people who visit more information about your company, products and services and if designed effectively, work as a place where potential customers are converted into buyers. When you’re designing your website, whether it’s a brand new site or an update to an existing one, a key element of the design should consider how user friendly your site is.
If you fail to design a site in which your visitors can quickly reach the information you want them to, you will miss out on potentially lucrative online opportunities. It is so important to have a professionally designed website in today’s economy, so that you beat your competition by attracting and engaging potential customers on your site. Below we’ve listed out some key reasons it’s so important to have your website professional designed.
Visitors to your website should be able to find what they’re looking for quickly, with little effort on their part. If they don’t, they are likely to click off your site and onto another website which is easier to navigate. You need to work with a professional who has expertise in designing websites and can build you an easy-to-navigate website, so that your site visitors reach the pages you want them to and don’t go to your competitor instead. Adding a search box to your site offers your visitors an extremely quick and easy way to find exactly what they’re looking for, so be sure to work with your designer to add this tool.
Load time
A webpage that is slow to load will result in a high bounce rate of visitors exiting your site on the same page they entered it. It is imperative you design your website to be highly efficient, in order to retain traffic on your site. Adding masses of video and photography can really slow down your site performance, so a professional will help you be selective about the content you want on your site, so as not to impact your site load time negatively.
At E2TS, we are experts in effective web design, but we understand that you are experts in your customers. We believe in partnering with you to gain your insight into your clients, so that we can provide the most effective online solutions for your business needs.