Many businesses, particularly start-ups with one eye on their budget, frequently think that a thriving Facebook page for their business is all they need to prosper. Add to that an Instagram and Twitter account and surely you’ve got all your marketing bases covered, right? After all, over three-quarters of the 4 billion-plus global internet users are signed up to at least one social media site.
Websites still matter
Social media may be king when it comes to internet use, but websites still deliver for business owners. If you’re just starting out, there’s a range of great reasons why you can’t afford to overlook a professional website.
Websites give your brand legitimacy
A website helps to reassure potential customers that your business is legitimate. Setting up a Facebook page takes seconds, whereas investing in professional web design that reflects your brand values and identity is a more involved process. Consumers take brands that can back up their social media with their own website more seriously.
You own your website
Your social media accounts are owned by global tech companies who can dictate terms to their users. Infringe any of their regulations, even by accident, and you could find yourself without an online presence. A website is your online castle, giving you security and allowing you to adapt to changing circumstances.
A website lets you communicate your brand identity
With social media, the opportunities for personalisation are limited, whereas a website allows you to create your own online presence from scratch. You have very few restrictions on the logo, layout and colour schemes, allowing you to perfect and communicate your brand identity.
Get noticed
Content on a website is more likely to secure a high ranking on Google’s organic search results. This means that when someone is searching for goods or services, a business without a website is more likely to be overlooked when compared to one with an SEO optimised website. Social media talks to existing customers, websites help you find new ones.
Websites support social media
Your social media marketing strategy is much more likely to be effective if it’s supported by a website. You can host content, be that video or blogs, on your website and then use social media to share it. When used together, you have a much broader toolbox to help you get your marketing message across.