Wonky Veg Boxes

Oct 12, 2021

Wonky Veg Boxes approached us last year to help them improve the look of their website. Their business is a fantastic operation that sells fruit and veg on a subscription basis to your home. They offer weekly and fortnightly bags and boxes delivered straight to your door. The fruit and veg is sourced from local markets and is the food that the supermarkets don’t want. Anything that looks out of shape, or is too big or small is generally thrown away! Wonky rescue that fruit and veg and package it up for delivery to you!

The original site was built using a site builder that is primarily for subscription websites. The problem was that there just wasn’t the functionality to grow the site. Customers couldnt control their own subscriptions, for instance should they need to skip a week as they were going on holiday, they wouldn’t be able to as they didnt have that ability in their account. Consequently the Wonky team were spending a long time trawling through emails to ensure customers demands were met.

After we had redesigned their front end in WordPress we looked at a solution for their admin as well to solve the problems that the current system couldnt handle. We decided to add in Woocommerce Subscriptions to handle their subscriptions. Creating the site with those additions was fairly straight forward however we also needed to handle the 12000 odd subscriptions that were already created within their existing solution. These all needed to be migrated across along with their Stripe payment Id’s to ensure a continuous service to the clients and their customers. We achieved this after pain stakingly mapping data to the new tables within the Woocommerce set up.

The results are visible to both clients and customers. The customers can not just sign up, they can manage their accounts, skip weeks, cancel and reactivate their subscriptions, add another box to their subscription or simply reduce one. The result on the Wonky team is that they aren’t so bogged down on their weekends with emails, and are able to spend more time with their family. Perfect!

Customers are now finding the site easier to navigate, they are managing to sign up to more than one subscription at a time (the old system didnt allow this) and they are able to find what they want in a much clearer way. The sites organic visits are up and they converting more visits to sales!

All in all we are proud of the Wonky Veg Boxes project. If you’d like to know more contact us here. If you’d like to sign up to Wonky Veg and recieve your veg or fruit box then sign up here.